Best thing happened to an entrepreneur in India

India is a country of both diversity and continuity. Let me take you to the roots of our country. Starting with our national anthem written by Mr. Rabindranath Tagore. It takes 52 seconds to sing, we all come together to sing our national anthem in our school days. It’s your pleasure and we are proud about it. Next best things happened was on 2nd October in the year of 1869,our beloved leader late Mr. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. The best quote which always stay with me “Attitude is everything”. It’s taught by father of our nation. By doing a movement named Non-violence movement.First and the best thing as an entrepreneur which we can learn from the Non-Violence movement was never ever give up. Check out how related an entrepreneur to our beloved nation? It’s crazy right!

Best of the both worlds” which we have inbuilt are ethics, social values, social relationships, polite, honest.

As an entrepreneur this qualities are highly enough to build an successful business. Which leads to solve problems of our fellow human beings. Coming to end up by saying you entrepreneur “As a protector of India’s fate.

Jaya he! Jaya he! Jaya he!

Jaya jaya jaya jaya he.

It means: “victory forever to you”.

Author: Karthik reddy

a passionate entrepreneur,gives valuable advices to help people with an aspiration to be an entrepreneur.